Third Party Mobile Device Management: The Key to BYOD Success

mobile device management

Mitigating Risks Associated with Organizational Tools

It’s safe to say one of the cornerstones of success is organization. Fortunately, technology has gifted us with tools like the barcode printer, wireless scanner, handheld devices and RFID tags. This presents a new and unique opportunity to create an ultra-organized workplace. Now, as you already know, many businesses have indeed taken advantage of this opportunity, some even hopping on the BYOD train.  As Laura Ingalls Wilder once said, “The trouble with organizing a thing is that pretty soon folks get to paying more attention to the organization than to what they’re organized for”. This is where third party managed service providers come in. Outsourcing your mobile device management allows you to keep doing what you do, only in a more efficient and organized manner. If your business is thinking about switching to a BYOD system, here are a few ways third party management can help you organize:

Enhancing Security Measures

A successful BYOD implementation cannot exist without thorough security measures in place. In many cases internal IT administrators simply do not have the time or resources to take on this task. It’s not quite as simple as it sounds. In order to mitigate the risk of a breach of company data, a company needs policies and guidelines. More importantly, facets in place to enforce them. The problem is you don’t always know what you need.   By then damage has usually already been done. A mobile device management company can steer a company towards the security measures they need.  Examples are password locks, download restrictions, GPS tracking and data protection.

Assisting Asset Tracking

Asset tracking is a crucial part of almost every business.   Whether tangible or not, every business must keep track of inventory in order to measure success. While things like a barcode printer, wireless scanner, RFID tag, and online apps can be in use to achieve real time tracking, these tools in turn become assets themselves.  Misplaced or damaged inventory (barcode printer or whatever it may be) won’t be very conducive to organization or productivity. Fortunately, mobile device management companies can help businesses track their assets (even employee owned devices).  They  can usually repair devices that have been triaged by Managed Mobility Services providers quicker.

Hosting Online Dashboards

Using a barcode printer and scanner system gives companies the ability to track assets and information, but data only really becomes useful when, you guessed it—it’s organized! Most mobile device management companies can create user-operated apps, which can track, sort and analyze the information taken from the barcode printer and scanner in real time right from an employee’s computer or handheld device.

Bottom Line

Mobile device management leads to organization and organization leads to success.

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