Mobile Device Management: Mitigating Security Risks

mobile device security

Take Advantage of Enterprise Mobile Solutions without Risking Your Organization’s Assets

Taking advantage of today’s mobile solutions has the potential to benefit any organization. Mobile devices allow employees to access everything from their emails and apps to important and necessary data. Beyond employee satisfaction and productivity, companies taking advantage of enterprise mobile solutions stand to gain a competitive advantage. So, why don’t more businesses take advantage of these tools?

Concerns surrounding the security of an organization’s important and confidential information continue to inhibit enterprise mobility, and perhaps rightly so. The cost of a mobile security breach can be astronomical in terms of monetary and operational losses.  Having employee smartphones and tablets connect to a corporate network does increase the security risk. However, with effective mobile device management, your enterprise can effectively avoid the following risks:

There’s an App for… Well, Everything

Whether employee mobile devices are corporate-liable, or a company employs a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, the number of apps  on these smartphones and tablets is astronomical. Many apps, whether consumer-facing or developed for business use, can access, collect, and even transmit sensitive data contained on these devices. Exposure to non-compliant or malicious apps may seem unavoidable, but effective mobile device management can help you circumvent these vulnerabilities.

Increasing Access

Of course, in today’s business landscape, increased mobile access has the potential to benefit companies in any industry, from a restaurant using mobile apps to receive orders, to a courier company tracking deliveries. But within businesses taking advantage of enterprise mobile solutions company-wide, an increasing number of people are being granted access to corporate networks
and data via an even larger number of devices. Without proper organization-wide mobile device management policies in place, the potential risks will only increase along with this access.

Uncontrolled Data Sharing

Business owners and employees alike are aware that the cloud has become ubiquitous. Information seemingly stored on one device is instantly accessible via many others, connected by file-sharing tools such as Dropbox or Evernote, to name a few. With multiple points of access to the data in question, the potential for security breach is immense. What’s more, in these cases, simply locking or wiping a lost or stolen device often doesn’t effectively stop the data from being accessible. Mobile device management allows you to control or prevent access to these threatening tools.

The benefits of enterprise mobile solutions are numerous, but for some, they don’t outweigh the risks. Mobile device management allows for the control, monitoring, and protection of your organization’s network, apps, and especially sensitive data.

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