Mobile Device Management In The Classroom

Mobile device management can promote learning in the classroom

Create Collaborative Learning Environments And Improve Learning With Mobile Device Management

Educators often find themselves in a battle with students over the use of mobile devices in the classroom. It seems that, from elementary school to university, classrooms are a battleground for control of smart phones, tablets, and laptops.

Although these devices can have a tendency to distract students, implementing mobile device management strategies can eliminate distractions and improve learning. Instead of resisting technology use in the classroom, here are a few ways that mobile device use can assist learning:

Better Engage Students

Children are the fastest growing demographic using mobile technology. This means that they are familiar with current technology from their first day of school into their post-secondary education. Frequently seen as a distraction in the classroom, student use of these devices is an opportunity to improve engagement, productivity, and participation.

By using technology that students are already familiar with, educators are able to engage directly and improve learning outcomes. Utilizing mobile device management basics can also ensure all students have access to materials and activities required for their courses.

Enhanced Software

Mobile device management software helps both teachers and students. Use software that will monitor device use by students in the classroom so that everyone stays engaged. This type of software allows educators to monitor mobile devices  and  pinpoint individuals who go off course.

Likewise, monitoring software also allows teachers to remotely control a student’s device, making assisting learning easier.

Accessible and Convenient Learning

Although schools are providing devices for students to use in the classroom, it is also important to recognize that many students already have their own device. Students are familiar with their own device and how it works, so implementing BYOD strategies removes the learning curve of a new device and lets them access what they need for their classes.

Likewise, they will now have all their learning tools with them at all times. This is especially helpful for continued learning and studies at home.

Know When to put Technology Away

Mobile device management allows for monitoring of device usage, giving educators a look at how and when students are plugged in. While these devices are beneficial educational tools, it’s important to understand that there are times when they’re not necessary.

With controls in place, students will only be able to use their devices at appropriate times. This helps cut down on distractions and builds a greater understanding of how and when these tools should be used in the classroom.

Overall, mobile device management in the classroom is a powerful tool to create a collaborative learning environment that will better engage students and decrease tension that teachers feel over mobile technology in the classroom.

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