How AGILE Methodology Improves Mobile Device Testing

Disciplined Application Development Improves Likelihood of Application’s Success

Today’s business executives are quickly moving towards incorporating mobile devices as invaluable tools to manage and operate their departments’ operations. If this is a step you are considering taking, a little research on the topic will probably convince you that the ROI on introducing mobile devices as a means to increase productivity is quite significant.

However, most business executives are sometimes under huge pressure from their superiors to add additional features to the software as the project progresses. To make matters worse timelines are often reduced. As a result, the testing phase is often quickly run and shelved as complete. The result is likely a product with little familiarity,still has bugs and may no longer staisfy the end-user.

AGILE Explained

When you want to deploy a mobile device project quickly and efficiently, you must have the appropriate methodology. In today’s IT world, the most advanced and reputable methodology available for mobile device testing and other software development is AGILE.

The AGILE software development philosophy is centered on a series of short development cycles called “Sprints”, which take one feature of your project and brings it to completion in a short period of time, ready to be deployed. Sprints are variable in duration and can range from an estimate of one hour to one month.

Of course, many Sprints comprise the software development or mobile device testing phase of any given project. So which Sprint will your developers be working on first?

This is an essential question in the AGILE methodology.  It is answered with the help of the User Story Backlog. That  is the technical term for the list of features and requirements needed or requested by the end-user of the mobile device application.

As the client, the AGILE methodology enables you to access your product as each Sprint completes, so you can see, test and evaluate the functionality of your new product. This is a proven way to effectively facilitate mobile device testing throughout your organization.

AGILE Is Communications

The AGILE workflow process perfects the art of communicating effectively and consistently with the help of a facilitator ( Scrum Master).   AGILE team members meet every day for a 10 minute meeting. This is to account for their work the day prior. They also  plan their work that day, and voice any obstacles that they encounter.

The role of the Scum Master is to ensure the project is on budget and on schedule. It also ensures each team member has every tool they need to succeed in the Sprint.

Are you considering a mobile application or ready to explore how mobile devices can increase your bottom line? If so, make sure the deployment will be an AGILE one!

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